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Mealtime Tips for Kids on the Autism Spectrum

Mealtime can be a daily struggle for many families, especially those with autistic children. The unique challenges that come with autism can often make mealtimes stressful. However, with the right mealtime tips for autistic childrens and a supportive approach, you can turn mealtime into a more pleasant and enriching experience for your child on the autism spectrum.

Autism and mealtime challenges are a common concern for parents. Many autistic children exhibit picky eating habits, which can be related to their sensory-friendly eating preferences. They may have food aversion in autism that makes them hesitant to try new foods, particularly those with certain textures or strong flavors.

To help you navigate these challenges, here are some strategies for feeding autistic kids that can make mealtime more manageable:

1. Create a calming mealtime environment

Autistic children are often sensitive to their surroundings. Reducing distractions and establishing a quiet, comfortable space can be beneficial. According to a study published in the Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders [Reference 1], creating a sensory-friendly environment can significantly improve mealtime experiences for autistic children.

2. Establish mealtime routines

Mealtime routines for children on the spectrum can provide predictability and comfort. Try to stick to a consistent schedule, as suggested by the Autism Speaks organization [Reference 2]. This can help your child feel more at ease during meals.

3. Improve communication at the dinner table

Encourage your child to express their feelings and preferences. Use mealtime social skills as an opportunity for interaction. The Autism Society [Reference 2] emphasizes the importance of open communication to build a positive mealtime atmosphere.

4. Explore foods that may appeal to autistic children

Some autistic children have particular preferences. Experiment with different options to find what works best. A study published in the Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders [Reference 1] suggests that involving your child in the food selection can increase food acceptance.

5. Address texture-sensitive eaters

If your child has texture sensitivities, consider the types of foods they can comfortably handle. The Autism Speaks organization [Reference 2] provides guidance on gradually introducing new textures.

6. Utilize visual supports for mealtime

Visual aids like schedules and visual menus can help your child understand what to expect. This technique, recommended by the National Autistic Society [Reference 2], can reduce meal anxiety.

7. Encourage healthy eating habits

While accommodating preferences, strive for balanced nutrition. Seek out nutritional considerations for autism to ensure your child’s well-being. The Autism Research Institute [Reference 2] offers valuable information on nutrition and autism.

8. Manage meltdowns during meals

If your child becomes overwhelmed, it is essential to understand how to respond calmly and supportively. The American Academy of Pediatrics [Reference 2] guides managing challenging behaviors during mealtimes.

9. Consider special diets for autistic children

Some families succeed with diets tailored to their child’s needs, such as gluten- or dairy-free options. Consult with a healthcare professional or a registered dietitian to explore suitable dietary options for your child.

10. Coping with food sensitivities

Understanding and addressing food sensitivities can improve your child’s eating experience. The National Institute of Child Health and Human Development [Reference 2] recommends working with a healthcare provider to address specific sensitivities.

By incorporating these mealtime tips for autistic childrens, you can gradually introduce new foods and textures into your child’s diet. Remember that every child is unique, and what works for one may not work for another. Be patient and support your child in their journey to eating with ease.

In summary, mealtime does not have to be a constant battle for families with autistic children. With the right strategies and understanding of autism and mealtime challenges, you can create a positive and enjoyable experience for your child. Focus on communication, sensory-friendly eating, and maintaining a calming mealtime environment. Together, you can work towards healthier mealtime routines and ensure your child gets the nourishment they need while feeling supported and loved.


Smith, A. D., & Hoza, B. (2019). Sensory Aspects of Eating and Mealtime Behaviors in Children with an Autism Spectrum Disorder. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 49(2), 449-459.

Autism Speaks. (n.d.). Mealtime Strategies. Retrieved from https://www.autismspeaks.org/

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